
姓名: 刘春华
职称: 副研究员



2017.1-现在    滚球官网平台  副研究员

2011.7-2016.12 滚球官网平台  讲师


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金; Notch1受体调控GSK-3beta抑制糖尿病心肌病的机制研究;
项目编号:31400986; 执行年度:2015.1-2017.12; 主持。
2. 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划青年基金外源性H2S调控PPAR-gama抑制心肌细胞
3. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师基金;基于硫化氢供体益母草碱-SPRC缀合物
作用机制研究;项目编号:20120031120053;执行年度:2012.1-2015.12 ;主持。
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金;具有独特心血管保护作用的半胱氨酸类似物的机制研究;执行年度:2011.1-2013.12;主持。
5. 滚球官网平台本科生创新科研“百项工程”探究TGF-β在纤维化肾脏内的分布以及BMP-7对TGF-β所引起的肾脏纤维化的拮抗作用;项目编号:BX12215;执行年度:2013.1-2015.12;主持。
6. 滚球官网平台教育教学改革项目青年项目;WPBL与PBL相结合教学法在人体解剖学教学中的应用;项目编号:ZB130141;执行年度:2012.12-2014.12;主持
7. 滚球官网平台教育教学改革项目一般项目;精讲多练严考与LBL教学法在人体解剖学教学中
8. 滚球官网平台本科生开放实验项目;肠系膜淋巴摘除术;执行年度:2012;主持
9. 滚球官网平台本科生开放实验项目;腹前壁不同部位手术切口路入解剖;执行年度:

1. Chunhua Liua , Xiaxia Xua , Jing Gao, Tao Zhang, Zhuo Yang. Hydrogen sulfide prevents synaptic plasticity from VD-induced damage via Akt/GSK-3β pathway and notch signaling pathway in rats. Molecular Neurobiology, 53 (6): 4159-4172, 2016. a: Co-first author.
2. Chunhua Liu, Hongqiang Yin, Jing Gao, Xiaxia Xu, Tao Zhang, Zhuo Yang. Leonurine ameliorates cognitive dysfunction via antagonizing excitotoxic glutamate insults and inhibiting autophagy. Phytomedicine, 23:1638–1646, 2016.
3. Lu Xiaoa, Chunhua Liua, Xiaoniao Chen, Zhuo Yang. Zinc oxide nanoparticles induce renal toxicity through reactive oxygen species. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 90:76-83, 2016. a: Co-first author.
4. Wei Miaomiao, Liu Chunhua, Zhang Xiaochen, Chen Xiaoniao, Lin Hongli and Yang Zhuo. Autophagy is involved in regulating VEGF during high-glucose- induced podocyte injury. Molecular BioSystem,12, 2202-2212,2016.
5. Shanshan Luo, Xianfeng Gu, Fenfen Ma, Chunhua Liu, Yaqi Shen, Ruowen Ge, Yizhun Zhu. ZYZ451 protects cardiomyocytes from hypoxia-induced apoptosis via enhancing MnSOD and STAT3 interaction. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 92, 1-14, 2016.
6. Jiajia Yang, Chunxiao Yang, Chunhua Liu, Tao Zhang, Zhuo Yang. Paradoxical effects of VEGF on synaptic activity partially involved in Notch1 signalling in the mouse hippocampus, 26:589-600, 2016.
7. Ye Liua, Chunhua Liua, Xuan Qin, Minghui Zhu, Zhuo Yang. The change of spatial cognition ability in depression rat model and the possible association with TRPC6 reduction. Behavioural Brain Research, 294:186-93, 2015. a:Co-first author.
8. Xiaxia Xua, Chunhua Liua, Zhanyong Li, Tao zhang. Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Modulation of Theta-Gamma Coupling in Hippocampus in Vascular Dementia Rats. Brain Topography, 28: 879-894, 2015. a:Co-first author.
9. Minghui Zhua, Chunhua Liua, Xuan Qin, Zhuo Yang. Hyperforin alleviates mood deficits of adult rats suffered from early separation. Neuroscience Letters, 608,1-5, 2015. a:Co-first author.
10. Chunhua Liua, Ye Liua, Zhuo Yang. Myocardial infarction induces cognitive impairment by increasing the production of hydrogen peroxide in adult rat hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters, 560, 112-116, 2014. a:Co-first author.
11. Chunhua Liu, Wei Guo, Stefanie Maerz, Xianfeng Gu, Yizhun Zhu. 3,5-dimethoxy-4-(3-(2-carbonyl-ethyldisulfanyl)-propionyl)-benzoic acid 4-guanidino-butyl ester, a novel twin drug prevents primary cardiac myocytes from hypoxia-induced apoptosis. European Journal of Pharmacology, 700, 118-126, 2013.
12. Xianfeng Gu, Chunhua Liu, Yi-Chun Zhu and Yi-Zhun Zhu. A Boron- dipyrromethene-Based Fluorescent Probe for Colorimetricand Ratiometric Detection of Sulfite. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 11935–11939, 2011.
13. Chunhua Liu, Wei Guo, Xueru Shi, Kaium M. A., Xianfeng Gu, Yizhun Zhu. Leonurine-cysteine analogue conjugates as a new class of multifunctional anti-myocardial ischemia agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 46(9):3996-4009, 2011.
14. Stefanie Maerz, Chunhua Liu, Wei Guo, Yizhun Zhu. Anti-ischemic effects of bilobalide on neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and the involvement of the platelet-activating factor, Bioscience Reports. 31, 439-447, 2011.
15. Kaium M. A, Yan Liu, Qing Zhu, Chunhua Liu, Jun-Li Duan, Kwong Huat , Yi Zhun Zhu. Hydrogen sulphide donor, S-propargyl-cysteine, increases cystathione-γ-lyase in gastric cancer: evidence for a novel anti-cancer effect of endogenous H2S? PLOS ONE, 6(6): e20525,2011.

1.人体解剖学2-1理论课 (临床专业)
2. 人体解剖学2-1实验课 (临床专业)
3. 人体解剖学理论课 (口腔专业和药学专业)
4. 人体解剖学实验课 (口腔专业)
5. 创新研究与训练 (临床专业)
6. 医学前沿与进展(研究生)
6. Human Anatomy (留学生)

1. 2015年荣获 “滚球官网平台本科生创新”项目校级一等奖。
2. 2013-2014学年度荣获滚球官网平台“高露洁奖教金”二等奖。
3. 2013年获得滚球官网平台教学成果二等奖 《应用解剖学新教学模式探索》,排名第三。
4. 2015-2016学年度荣获“滚球官网平台青年岗位能手”称号。

1. 通讯地址:天津市南开区卫津路94号
2. 电话:022-23506303
3. E-mail: liuchunhua@nankai.edu.cn